Veratrum alkaloids are a class of natural compounds found in plants of the Veratrum genus.Historically, Veratrum has been used as a source of medicines and insecticide. Their toxicity was noted in sneezing powders made from pulverized roots of these plants. Inhalation or ingestion has resulted in several signs and symptoms, including hypotension or bradyarrhythmia. Pharmacological and toxicological studies on Veratrum alkaloids have revealed pharmacological effects such as lowering blood pressure, strengthening the heart, anti-thrombotic, improving blood-brain circulation, and antiparasitic infection. However, it has been found to have both reproductive and genotoxic effects and significant toxic effects on the human digestive and respiratory systems, so it should not be used indiscriminately. Mechanism of Toxicity [1] The veratrum alkaloids, which are chemically similar to steroids, include protoveratrine, veratridine, and Jervine. These agents were introduced...